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Makes no sense at all right?  The math isn’t there.  Well according to California, this does make sense.   For a week now you have heard plenty on the woman in California who gave birth to eight children, EIGHT!  Octuplets is what they are called, something that to me sounds ridiculous.  I love children and enjoy hearing about birth because children are a blessing, however, the circumstances in this situation just beg the question: “WTF?”

According to the U.S. Department of Health Services, it took about $164,273 to house one baby in a hospital in California in 2006, multiply this by 8 and get the roughly $1.3 million taxpayers in California are going to have to pay to help this retarded woman out.  Somehow the responsibility falls on the state and government to provide for these children, rather than the idiotic mother who had the bright idea of having the kids in the first place.

Seriously?  This woman is just begging for attention and any reason to receive a social security check for each child.  It isn’t like there is a husband involved.  She is a single mother of 14.  Last year she had embryos implanted into her womb in order to birth these children.  When she had them implanted, she already had 6 children, and plenty of debt between student loans and the cost of having the embryos implanted, which by the way was a healthy $100,000 that the state medicare system is paying for.

What goes through a person’s mind when thinking about this decision?  How irresponsible and stupid can a person be?  I think now if you look up stupidity in the dictionary, you might find her face next to it.  It may even have a caption that says “See irresponsible.”  Does this woman not understand that her state is so far in the red that the governor is having a tough time trying to fit $42 billion into the already dying budget?  Nevertheless,  she still feels the government will take care of her.  How much BS is that?

See this has to be a huge joke.  Sometimes you see a stupid person and wonder to yourself, “Wow how dumb are you?  Can anyone else get dumber than this?”  Well my friend, God has your answer.  Behold, the SINGLE woman with six children who has just irresponsibly decided to give birth to eight new children, which she plans on supporting with her minimum of $150,000 of debt, $100,000 of which was created by the birth of the eight.  

The problem with the magnitude of stupidity here is that now the next example of stupidity will be worse.  Granted, I don’t think it can get worse than this, however, I wouldn’t put it past this world to produce a level of blatant stupidity that makes this woman look like Einstein.

To me it is disgusting.  I am no advocate for China-like government policy where you are limited to the number of children you can have, however, people should practice some common sense when deciding on how many children to have.  If you make $30,000 a year, I don’t think 14 children is the answer.  The clinic she went to should screen people before implanting children into the wombs of idiotic people.  

I hope for the children’s sake the state takes them and gives them to families who can’t give birth to children, however, have the financial and mental stability to care for a child.  Knowing this woman tomorrow she may say this to herself, “So I can either buy food for my kids, or have 10 more kids, wow this is tough…”

 Don’t worry, just when you think it can’t get any worse, God has a joke for you.  By this point it has to be confirmed that God has a sense of humor, and right now, He HAS to be chuckling.

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May 2024
