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Wow….am I really here?  Something like that.  So much has changed in the past year that for me to blog about it on a night where I should be studying for a mid-term would be a bad idea.  So I’ll make it quick for now…

God is amazing…..
Something about an amazing church (CCk)….
Something about an awesome group of people….
Then there is the blessing of having a job…..
Something about have purpose and meaning thanks to the first thing I mentioned….
Weight loss somewhere in there….
Oh and school…. *sigh*…

All in all, I am back and we are definitely changing things around here…..starting with you!
I hope that this blog in some way shape or form opens a door in your life, or creates some kind of joy in your heart, that your life might be in some way better or encouraged after reading it….

Until I find time to actually write….I leave this for you:

“Be still, For I am God…” – Psalm 46:10

“I can finally see that you’re right there beside me.
I am not my own, for I have been made new.
Please don’t let me go, I desperately need you.
I am not my own, for I have been made new.
Please don’t let me go, I desperately need you.”

~Owl City

So as some may already know, those being the three of you that read this, today is my birthday.  To be specific, it is my 23rd birthday.  Not sure what else to make of the day, other then the fact that I am a year older, and somehow that translates into being more experienced, however, that remains to be seen.

Reflection is something we sometimes tend to take for granted.  As humans, we have the ability to recollect and reanalyze, constantly being given the opportunity to fix, make better, and in some lucky instances, change our circumstances.  It is this ability to react to past experiences and reflect that I am so thankful for.

Sounds odd doesn’t it?  Being thankful for something so simple.  But see that is the rub, as people we sometimes forget the things we have that will in the long run better us as individuals.  Today on my birthday, if I have never taught you anything, let your gift to me be that you understand the amazing opportunity you have been given to be alive and be able to change your circumstances, regardless of how deep you think you really are.

I myself have come out of some interesting situations, taking with me the experiences and applying them to future situations, so that the outcome is never the same and gets better with time.  Their is no such thing as failure, failure should be renamed to opportunity.  When Thomas Alva Edison invented electricity, it took him over 5,000 times to get it to work.  When asked how he felt about having failed so many times, he replied: “My boy I didn’t failed, I just succeeded at figuring out 5,ooo ways not to do it”

I know this isn’t like me to get so emotional and psychological, however, I felt like this was necessary; throwing some perspective at you is always a good thing.  Do not take for granted the things which you have been given, tools within yourself, that will make your life a better one.  Reflection is an amazing ability we have, don’t lose sight of that.

To all those that wished me a happy one, thank you.  I appreciate every single one, and rest assured, my life in the last few months has seen some significant improvment.  This is thanks to the many people in my life.

I have really been neglecting this blog lately. I have had little time to really do much of anything. Something about meeting new people, career hunting, and it being my birthday tomorrow make this blog sit on the back burner. Rest assured though, in time I will go back to my usual bi-daily blogs. I am unsure as to whether or not that is a word, either way, tomorrow is my birthday and don’t forget it…

Sorry that my posts have been lacking as of late.  I happen to be in the middle of two big exams and I have been doing the job search thing for some time now.  I hope that by the end of this semester I will have secured at least an internship with one of the companies I am interviewing with.  The one I want remains to be seen, however, that will require much thought in the future, if the decision presents itself.

After this Wed. passes, expect the usual me posting on a regular basis, for now….study, study, study…..

We need two things to happen today.  Nadal needs to beat Federer and the Cardinals need to beat the Steelers.  I will also settle for me passing my two exams on Wed.  Both pairs of events would be nice…

I have to say that their are few things that really tick me off.  In general I try my best to be as calm as possible, granted I have my moments, but then again we all do.  If their is something, however, that just drives me insane, it has to be when a person answers a phone and feels the need to share the conversation with the world by putting the person on speaker so that everyone can hear the conversation.  Not only does it annoy the crap out of me, but it is probably the rudest thing a person can do.

What’s worse is I can never say anything.  I can’t join in on the conversation.  I should be able to though.  As a person present for the conversation and listening to it, because lets face it as much as I don’t want to listen I can’t help it when the person is blaring across the room for the world to listen, I should be allowed to speak and give my opinion.

Imagine what a reaction I would get.  Turning into my cuban self for a moment.  “Olle concorte que vola?, es Chris!  Y que como le va?”  I think that might freak some people out.  They are engaging in what they think is a private conversation only to hear someone else interject mid conversation and throw in some random jargon.  They could be talking about anything, because you know people with this lack of phone etiquette also have little self respect to care at all about what they tell the world. 

I say we should all be allowed to take part in any conversation held on speaker.  It’s how it works in the business world when you are having a meeting, and it should work the same when someone is uncivilized enough to hold an all out personal conversation for the world to hear.

Not much is going to be posted at this time.  Due to the fact that the playoffs are going on, and that my dad’s favorite team, The Arizona Cardinals, are playing, I won’t be as active.  For next week though, expect some lovely talk of Obama, that should stir some crap.  No I don’t like him.  🙂  GO CARDS!!!

So after much debating and thought, I finally decided to start my own blog.  Thanks to Jorge who inspired me to go forward with this.  Seeing as this first post is being made in class, listening to my Jewish Business Law professor speak about his life rather than speak of relevant topics, this post will probably be short and sweet. 

Topics that I may blog on will range from politics (don’t expect in depth stuff, not a fan of the politics) to business topics with an emphasis on accounting from time to time, and taxes, of course.  In fact if anyone ever has any questions concerning taxes, this would be a good place to ask.  If I don’t know the answer usually I’ll go to the IRS for the answer.  

God this professor talks so much garbage.  Am I not supposed to be learning about business law and ethics, no he would rather go off on some tangent and talk about his friend the doctor and some case he had with him back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth (yeah this guy is old).  

So is it just me or is everyone making to much of a big deal about Tim Tebow and his bible verses?  So anyone who doesn’t already know knows, I am a born again Christian and proud of it.  Seeing as that might make my opinion biased, just take it for what it is.  If I remember right, doesn’t the first amendment say we have the freedom of speech?  And isn’t the law “separation of church and state” not “separation of church and sport”?  I don’t say this from the stand point of a person who thinks Christianity should be shoved down your throat, more so from the stand point of a person who is simply seeing someone express themselves the way they see fit, and seeing as it isn’t hurting anyone, nor is it causing some massive riot, it shouldn’t be considered a giant public issue being heavily scrutinized by sports writers.  Their is nothing you can take away from the guy.  He is a great college QB, great person, great philanthropist, big time football icon, and he happens to wear a bible verse under his eye.  Somehow, that small 2 inch mark under is eye, is greater than his 3 years of success.  

Any way, hope you all enjoy future posts and look forward to seeing both good and bad comments.  Don’t hesitate to comment.  I don’t care if its critical or if its supportive, just post it.  Happy Sarcasm!

Chris Sierra's Facebook profile


May 2024
