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So most of us are familiar with creation, and how it is we as man came to be. God created Adam and Eve and then that crazy woman decided to listen to a talking snake and eat an apple from the tree, after which she did the woman thing and told Adam if he didn’t eat from it, no sex for weeks.  Long story short, they got thrown out of the garden for being disobedient and now here we are years later, cursed with sin and inherently evil.  I really hope that this isn’t the way Bill Gates feels, else his kids are in for years of pain.

According to a recent article on just about every website known to man, Bill Gates and his wife, do not allow their children to own anything Apple, specifically iPhones and iPods.  

“There are very few things that are on the banned list in our household…But iPods and iPhones are two things we don’t get for our kids.”

Ok, I know that Steve Jobs is probably the single greatest competitor of Bill Gates, but doesn’t something like this beg the question of is bill scared?  To start, he no longer is the CEO of the company, and while he may be a symbol of the company, his children choosing to own whatever they want shouldn’t do a damn thing to his rep.  I mean Microsoft used Apple computers and Apple generated images to render those failures commercials of “I’m a PC and my computer sucks“, so what is the big deal with his kids owning the single greatest MP3 machine or cell phone?

I think poor Gates is afraid.  Maybe he is starting to come to terms with the fact that Macs work better than PCs and that the OS Macs use is a million time more stable than the garbage that took them five years to fail on.  Maybe it was the below image, which shows Safari to be a far superior web browser than Microsoft’s beloved Internet Explorer.103018-pc_benchmarks1_425Wait…say what?  These are the results based on use from a PC?  Makes me laugh.  Takes me back to when PC World wrote an article on the MacBook Pro and said that Vista ran the best on a MacBook Pro.  I have to laugh.

I can sit here for hours and post a 20 page paper on arguments, but I am not going too.  I’ll just mention things like Steve Ballmer laughing at the iPhone when it first came out and saying it was a joke, only to be wrong just months later when the the iPhone took 40% of all smartphone sales in a 3 month period after its release.  He was wrong even after that when the iPhone reached and passed its 10 million unit goal long before the end of 2008.  Maybe the App Store, where over 300 million apps were downloaded in the first month, is evidence to how wrong he is.  I even remember hearing him say the App Store was a joke and that no one would make money off of it.  Tell that the developer of Trism, who made $250,000 in the first three months of his apps release.

Bottom line, PCs suck, Macs rule.  If Gates wants to keep his kids from eating the Apple, then I hope he doesn’t throw them out of the house for choosing what they want.  Granted, in the long run, I like what ended up happening with God, I get free will, and happily choose to serve Him, but I think Gates might be making a mistake…..doesn’t he know God runs Mac OSX?


The Palm Pre:  

“The Palm Pre smartphone took home both honors and became the first cell phone/smartphone to win the Best in Show since CNET started presenting the Best of CES awards in 2006″ – CNET

“The Palm Pre isn’t just Palm’s saving grace. This brand new smartphone for Sprint offers an innovative new WebOS that’s fully integrated with the internet.” – Laptop Magazine

“Palm, the creators of the PDA—and, you could argue, the smart phone—finally responded to the iPhone with a multitouch smartphone of its own” – Popular Mechanics

The Palm Pre: “A phone whose name will soon be covered in a myriad of law suits for its use of the Apple Patented Multi-touch platform” – Me

Wait what?  Where did that last quote come from?  Quote me now because you may hear about it later.  In a recent post made by, Apple was awarded a patent on their application titled Touch screen device, method, and graphical user interface for determining commands by applying heuristics, which in layman’s terms means that any phone that falls in that category that is currently out or in production may just see be covered in a suit, designed and created by the iLawyers themselves.  But their is more to this than what we might think.

Their are of course two sides to the coin as is true in every situation.  To Palm and other cell phone companies this might be a big set back on their future touch screen phones, to Apple, this would be the future CEO’s way of not letting Apple be pushed aside, and Apple’s way of protecting their investment.  To me and the rest of us iPhone users, this may actually be more bad than good.  

What do we care whether or not other multi-touch cell phones come out, we have our iPhones and if something comes out and is better, we’ll just switch.  I for one care a little more than the average user as I, like most Apple/Mac users, am part of the Apple Discipleship Church for a Healthier User Interface World.  Well we may not really care that other phones come out, however, if we love our iPhones and are die hard users, we should care if Apple has the ability to hinder or even restrict the production of cell phones just like it.

Without competition, features that are currently absent on iPhones, that are otherwise present on most other cell phones would take months to develop.  Those months wouldn’t translate into actual development time, but rather Apple taking their sweet time developing the features WE want when THEY want us to have it.  The consumer market just doesnt’ work that way.  Granted, Apple has worked this way for some time now, and let me say, what they do give us is far better than the competition, however, I wouldn’t mind a phone to come out to give the iPhone a run for its money, like that I might see better features sooner.

And if no other comparable phone is released, whose phone will I make fun of then?  I love my iPhone, I just hate your phone more…

So after much debating and thought, I finally decided to start my own blog.  Thanks to Jorge who inspired me to go forward with this.  Seeing as this first post is being made in class, listening to my Jewish Business Law professor speak about his life rather than speak of relevant topics, this post will probably be short and sweet. 

Topics that I may blog on will range from politics (don’t expect in depth stuff, not a fan of the politics) to business topics with an emphasis on accounting from time to time, and taxes, of course.  In fact if anyone ever has any questions concerning taxes, this would be a good place to ask.  If I don’t know the answer usually I’ll go to the IRS for the answer.  

God this professor talks so much garbage.  Am I not supposed to be learning about business law and ethics, no he would rather go off on some tangent and talk about his friend the doctor and some case he had with him back when the dinosaurs roamed the earth (yeah this guy is old).  

So is it just me or is everyone making to much of a big deal about Tim Tebow and his bible verses?  So anyone who doesn’t already know knows, I am a born again Christian and proud of it.  Seeing as that might make my opinion biased, just take it for what it is.  If I remember right, doesn’t the first amendment say we have the freedom of speech?  And isn’t the law “separation of church and state” not “separation of church and sport”?  I don’t say this from the stand point of a person who thinks Christianity should be shoved down your throat, more so from the stand point of a person who is simply seeing someone express themselves the way they see fit, and seeing as it isn’t hurting anyone, nor is it causing some massive riot, it shouldn’t be considered a giant public issue being heavily scrutinized by sports writers.  Their is nothing you can take away from the guy.  He is a great college QB, great person, great philanthropist, big time football icon, and he happens to wear a bible verse under his eye.  Somehow, that small 2 inch mark under is eye, is greater than his 3 years of success.  

Any way, hope you all enjoy future posts and look forward to seeing both good and bad comments.  Don’t hesitate to comment.  I don’t care if its critical or if its supportive, just post it.  Happy Sarcasm!

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May 2024
